Committees (Current and Past)
ULC S100A Committee on Fire Tests and ULC Task Groups
National Fireproofing Contractors Association (NFCA) - past Technical Committee, past Canadian Committee Chair and past Technical Committee Chair
ASTM - voting member E5 (fire) and E6 (construction) committees
NRC Special Interest Group--Suitable Acoustic and Firestop Technologies (SIG-SAFT) - published Best Practice Guide on Fire Stops and Fire Blocks and their Impact on Sound Transmission
Memberships and Affiliations
Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), International - Professional Member
Society of Fire Protection Engineers - Southern Ontario Chapter (SFPE - SOC) - Past President
Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA)
National Fireproofing Contractors Association (NFCA)
ASTM International (ASTM)